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Showing posts from January, 2022

Nifty Will Crash ......

I NDIAN MARKET NIFTY WILL CORRECT OR CRASH  By Andrews Joseph 23 rd  JANUARY 2021 1.    Nifty is not able to break the ALL TIME HIGH of 18604 ( psychological Indicator RSI monthly was above 80since) October 2021 and had massive sell off or profit booking and made a low on 16 th December 2021- 16410. 2.    In the above chart you can see a good massive rally since covid crash along the trend .but the trend line has broken which doesn’t mean we will see a crash but we may enter in to bear market phase. Where consolidation phase may happen. 3.    Post a fall nifty had a sharp recovery like straight and reached 18350 on January 18 th 2022. A massive rally of 1900 points in 20 trading session 4.    Again a drop of quick fall of 900 points in just 3 to 4 trading sessions This indicates a highly volatile swing rally up and down 5.    Midcap and small cap stocks has start a recovery...


  WHAT IS A CRYPTO-CURRENCY...... In Simple Terms to understand in a laymans language I have given with an example :Suppose we buy something in a store. If the retail does not have enough money, the shopkeeper will give a token. You can buy the item for that amount or get it in cash by taking the token back to him. If you put the same token in digital form, it is the cryptocurrency. The difference is that no one distributes the token. Also, cryptocurrency   is accepted in some parts of the world. EL SALVADOR becomes the first country to accept Bitcoin as currency In simple terms, cryptocurrency means digital coins or in accountancy terms we can refer as intangible asset(means we can’t touch and feel unless like other fixed assets like gold or silver or currencies like dollar or Indian rupee). Though still it is not categorised in accountancy terms.   Crypto cannot be created fake. Each crypto   has a specific value. The value of each coin will climb up or down a...